


4 Common Misconceptions About Stone Veneer

4 Common Misconceptions About Stone Veneer

When mulling over whether or not to install a stone veneer on your home’s exterior, sometimes a few worries get in the way. These worries sometimes come from acquaintances familiar with the installation and maintenance process. Others are passed online and sometimes do not hold to be true when put to the test. These are four common misconceptions about stone veneer that are best ignored.

1. There Is No Variety

Like wood, numerous styles and types of rocks are used in veneers. While they seem similar at first glance, there is enough variety to fulfill a large spectrum of tastes. If you are going for something elegant like a Versetta stone or something more rustic like a Hackett stone veneer, the choice is yours in how you follow through with the final selection. Despite what some believe, there are various sizes, types, and colors of stone veneer to use.

2. Stone Fades Over Time

Stone is a naturally sturdy material that is resistant to many natural aspects of the weather. While it requires regular maintenance and inspections, it’s rare to find any serious damage along the foundations. Stone veneer is a reliably strong and decorative option for those who do not want to worry about leaving it alone.

3. Stone Veneers Are Difficult To Install Alone

While they can be a handful to do alone, installing a stone veneer is relatively straightforward. Niche skills help perfect the process, such as cutting corners evenly and spacing them correctly. However, once you have learned the correct way to install them, it’s difficult to find anything but success.

4. Not Worth It for Home Value

Stone veneers are sometimes seen as expensive additions to a home that acts more as a money sink rather than a sound investment. However, stone veneers have been shown to add 90 percent or more of their original value to the home. Whether you are looking to move out or want additions that last, stone veneers are a good choice.

A home is where you are free to design to your liking. Whether that comes in the form of a well-lit garden or sturdy exterior facades is up to the homeowner at the end of the day. Considering these four common misconceptions about stone veneer, you are less likely to worry when deciding whether you want one for your home.

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